Silly Sister
I am one of 8 children. The 4 in the picture above are my whole siblings (with my parents and some spouses thrown in the mix) but I also have 3 half brothers that aren't pictured. However to me I have 7 wonderful and equal siblings!! I have 5 brothers, 2 sisters, 3 sister-in-laws, and 2 brother-in-laws from my side of the family (not including my husband's family). I am the second youngest and have always been the silliest. Since I was the youngest girl in my family I was always lovingly teased and so I learned at a young age to tease back. I love being silly and having funny conversations with my family. I love making people laugh and therefore I have learned to be a very animated person.
Fashion Inspirer
I love fashion! I love being on campus and seeing everyone's different styles. I have always loved clothes and I love finding cute outfits for friends. I now sell LuLaRoe and absolutely love it since I have always enjoyed helping others find outfits that just made them smile. The only difference is that now I get to be paid for it and that is always a bonus.
Socialization Advisor
I am a sociology major and I work as a Human Service Worker for Wasatch Mental Health. In my major I learn all about socialization and how humans interact with the world and how society alters people's actions. In my work I help children that struggle socially and behaviorally. I teach these kids social norms and I help them learn how to interact more healthily with others. I strive on helping others make friends and be heard and I love learning what makes people do certain things.
Happy Newlywed
I just got married on February 11, 2017 to my wonderful husband Jason. I love every second of married life, its just a wonderful thing. I love the support that you constantly have from your spouse and I love that I always have someone there to listen, talk, or help out. I love calling myself a newlywed and I plan on calling myself a newlywed for at least several more years. My goal in life is for people to always think my husband and I just got married based on the way we act towards each other!