Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Epithets - A bit about Me!

Silly Sister 

I am one of 8 children. The 4 in the picture above are my whole siblings (with my parents and some spouses thrown in the mix) but I also have 3 half brothers that aren't pictured. However to me I have 7 wonderful and equal siblings!! I have 5 brothers, 2 sisters, 3 sister-in-laws, and 2 brother-in-laws from my side of the family (not including my husband's family). I am the second youngest and have always been the silliest. Since I was the youngest girl in my family I was always lovingly teased and so I learned at a young age to tease back. I love being silly and having funny conversations with my family. I love making people laugh and therefore I have learned to be a very animated person.

Fashion Inspirer

I love fashion! I love being on campus and seeing everyone's different styles. I have always loved clothes and I love finding cute outfits for friends. I now sell LuLaRoe and absolutely love it since I have always enjoyed helping others find outfits that just made them smile. The only difference is that now I get to be paid for it and that is always a bonus.

Socialization Advisor

I am a sociology major and I work as a Human Service Worker for Wasatch Mental Health. In my major I learn all about socialization and how humans interact with the world and how society alters people's actions. In my work I help children that struggle socially and behaviorally. I teach these kids social norms and I help them learn how to interact more healthily with others. I strive on helping others make friends and be heard and I love learning what makes people do certain things.

Happy Newlywed 

I just got married on February 11, 2017 to my wonderful husband Jason. I love every second of married life, its just a wonderful thing. I love the support that you constantly have from your spouse and I love that I always have someone there to listen, talk, or help out. I love calling myself a newlywed and I plan on calling myself a newlywed for at least several more years. My goal in life is for people to always think my husband and I just got married based on the way we act towards each other!


  1. Isn't being silly just the best?! I feel like it makes life more enjoyable when positivity and silliness reign. I always tell people on campus that I'm a fashion major when in reality I'm not a fashion major and I know nothing about fashion! I think sociology is one of the most interesting sciences. I don't know a lot about that either though... Congratulations on getting married!

  2. Reading your post, I can tell that you are very energetic, outgoing, and as you said, a silly girl! I really admire you studying sociology and helping children that struggles with socializing because I used to have a hard time talking to people, and still sometimes today too. It is such a meaning job and thank you for all you do!
    And congratulations on your marriage! I am so happy for you!

  3. I also love LuLaRoe! They have super cute stuff. My mother-in-law has gifted me a few dresses and I love them! Also they have they comfiest leggings- hand down. I also love how much you love married life. Isn't it the best? I think that is a great goal to have people always think you and your husband are newlyweds just based on the way you guys act towards each other.

  4. Your job as a human service worker seems really interesting and beneficial for the kids. I also enjoy learning about why people act the way they do. I haven’t taken a sociology class, but in my psychology class we covered a section on human behavior, and it was fascinating. Ever since then, I’ve tried to be more observant of the surrounding circumstances and how it affects people. Often, what some may judge as a poor action on another’s part is actually very understandable when the whole situation is considered. I appreciate your work to help others and hope that we can all promote healthier relationships with those we interact with.

  5. I would love to hear more on your experience working with those in Wasatch Mental Health and all the things you have learned from your studying. I study Special Education which just is right along with working with children that struggle socially and behaviorally. You seem to have some great insight on how to enjoy life and help others. Congratulations on being newlyweds! I love the way you plan to see your marriage as new and alive continuously.

  6. That is so cool that you work with children with mental health struggles! That is what I want to do with my career so I always love meeting people that like similar things. I currently volunteer in the children's unit at the state hospital and find it so rewarding to help those little ones that struggle in life. Congrats on your wedding!! I definitely should come to you for fashion advice sometime because I have zero intuition when it comes to stuff like that and my fashion is basically no existent haha!!

  7. I loved reading your epithets! I feel like we have a lot in common! I am also a sociology major and I just like your personality in general! You seem so happy and like you love to make people smile, which is me too. I like how you have an alliteration in your epithets! I think its awesome that you have a big family!! My husband (we are also newly weds just married a month before you!) is 1 of 8 as well! And so is my dad! So I think its safe to say we want a big family. I love family!
